Monday, November 9, 2009

Will I See You at the NYC Public Library?

To all my dear friends,

I wanted to touch hearts with everyone. I have been traveling around the country this past year, speaking, doing radio and media interviews and signing books for people from every walk of life. The response has been very beautiful and inspiring. It has made my tour far greater than anything I could have dreamed of.

I am back in New York and thrilled with the opportunity to present my CD, "Maximum Freedom, A Guide to Meditation."

I'd like to invite you to The New York Public Library, 112 East 96th Street, in Manhattan, on Saturday, November 14th from 2-3:30PM. I will be appearing for a very "special" and exciting speaking and book signing event that is free and open to the public. (Click here for flyer)

If you have already purchased my book or cd (from or my website) and are using them in your daily practice, please e-mail me and let me know your thoughts. My e-mail address is

If you live in the New York City area, I hope to see you on the 14th. If you live elsewhere, please know you are in the deepest part of my heart and I hope to be in your hometown again soon.

My love and blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom

Please join me at these upcoming workshops:

November 15th at On The Mat in Mountaindale Yoga (click here for more information)

November 21st at The New York City Public Library, 96th Street Branch (Please click here for more information

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