Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Bonus Package

I wanted to take this time to touch hearts with everyone with this New Year and Holiday season rapidly approaching. It has been an incredible year, filled with so much inspiration, joy and success, that I could not let this very auspicious moment in time go by without expressing my deepest respect and gratitude for all the love and support you have given to me and "Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom."

In the spirit of this holiday season, I have come up with a beautiful gift package for your family, friends and loved ones. The package contains my book, "Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom" ($24.95); My CD, "Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation," ($20); and my very special decorative laminated "Ten Commandments to Freedom," ($15) a collection of the most powerful contemplations I have collected over the past 30 years.

Purchased separately, these products cost $60 + $14.85 shipping & handling.

If you order by December 31st, you'll receive all three amazing gifts for just $45 + $4.95 shipping by US Priority Mail. That's a savings of over 33% for the experience of freedom.

What a beautiful way to offer your love this holiday season to those that are special in your life. Please click here order your special Holiday Package today.

To the best New Year-Ever! 2010!

Love and blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom


Alan Gompers is a Well-Being Coach who helps his clients overcome stress, fear, and despair. He works with business owners, doctors, lawyers, athletes, students, and parents who are seeking lifelong strategies to find more peace, more happiness and greater health. The results are improved relationships, superior work performance and overall well-being. He is the author of the book Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom and the CD Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation. For more information, please visit or call Marlene at 901-483-5968.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Meditation Workshop, Nov. 21

Hi Friends,
Just a reminder that I'll be leading a meditation workshop on Saturday, Nov. 21st, at the New York Public Library-96th Street Branch. Cost is only $49 and it's from 1-4pm.

For more info, please visit my website or e-mail my office at

NY Public Library Event - Press Release

November 20, 2009
CONTACT:Lorena Rostig Tel: 901-233-0339


Riverdale resident, Alan Gompers, affectionately known in the music industry as "Pop Doo Wop," celebrated his message of peace and freedom at The New York Public Library-96th Street Branch.

New York, NY-Nearly 24 years after being paroled for drug trafficking, former Wall Street-tycoon- turned-author, Alan Gompers' is sharing his life story through his memoir, "Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom."

On Saturday, November 14, 2009, Gompers signed books and introduced his cd "Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation" at the New York City Public Library-96th Street Branch. During an inspiring presentation around his amazing memoir, he highlighted some of his experiences that included his rise to fame and fortune, his first bust by the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, his rise again through a real estate marketing venture in the Pocono mountains of Pennsylvania and ultimately his demise through drug trafficking that earned him a 15-to-life-sentence which began at the infamous and storied maximum security prison-"Sing Sing."

Paroled in 1986, Gompers has been touring the United States and Canada, sharing his amazing life and the incredible experiences he encountered on his fascinating journey. "Ultimately," Alan tells us, "it was the transforming power of meditation that enabled me to find the true happiness and freedom I had been searching for my whole life.

· Great nephew of American Federated of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations founder and first president Samuel Gompers.
· Accomplished musician, singer and producer.
· With Don K. Reed in 1986, promoted "Rock and Roll" concerts from the 1950's and became affectionately known as "Pop Doo Wop".
· Launched the company, Sportsvision, with the support and active endorsements of Yankees great Don Mattingly and Mets' All-Star Howard Johnson in 1987.
· His company, Children First For A Better World, offered educational support to school age children, from pre-school to the 12th grade, in order to help them attain a great life, rich in happiness and success.
· He continues to volunteer to speak to inmates in maximum security prisons and lead meditation workshops around the country.
· Is in the midst of a nationwide book tour which includes stops in Los Angeles, CA, Memphis, TN, and Kansas City, MO.
·Single and resides in Riverdale, NY

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Workshop, November 21, 2009

Dear Friends,

The book signing at the New York Public Library last Saturday was a huge success. I can't tell you how much I enjoy meeting new people and sharing my story. One man bought 10 copies of my book...I later found out that he was passing them out to people at homeless shelters around the city.

This Saturday I'll be leading a workshop from 1-4pm, again at the New York Public Library--96th Street Branch. (Please click here for more information) The cost is only $49/per person. I hope you'll come and bring all of your friends.

A huge thank you to Todd Gwinn, Sr. Librarian at the 96th Street Branch and to Janet Gula for inviting me to give a workshop last Sunday at On the Mat in Mountaindale Yoga.

Stay in touch! I love hearing from you. My e-mail is If you have any questions, please call Lorena at 901-233-0339.

Blessings to all of you. May today find you in happy spirits with a warm heart filled with love and peace.

Love and blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Map & The Flashlight

To all my dear friends,

The response to my last e-mail has been overwhelming. I was so excited to hear from so many people who have read my book and who shared their experience of meditation in their own lives. One person described meditation like this:

"Before, I felt like I was in a cave of darkness and despair. For me, your book and learning to meditate (from your cd) have become my "flashlight and map." It's been my way out of the dark and scary cave of fear and self-sabotage."

I just wanted to remind you that I'll be at The New York Public Library, 112 East 96th Street, in Manhattan, this Saturday, November 14th from 2-3:30PM. (Click here for flyer). See below for a list of two meditation workshops I'll be leading this month!

Thank you again for your support of my passion in sharing hope and light with the world.

If you live in the New York City area, I hope to see you on the 14th. Please bring all your friends for a great afternoon of fun at the library.

My love and blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom

Please join me at these upcoming meditation workshops:

November 15th at On The Mat in Mountaindale Yoga (click here for more information)

November 21st at The New York City Public Library, 96th Street Branch (Please click here for more information

Monday, November 9, 2009

Will I See You at the NYC Public Library?

To all my dear friends,

I wanted to touch hearts with everyone. I have been traveling around the country this past year, speaking, doing radio and media interviews and signing books for people from every walk of life. The response has been very beautiful and inspiring. It has made my tour far greater than anything I could have dreamed of.

I am back in New York and thrilled with the opportunity to present my CD, "Maximum Freedom, A Guide to Meditation."

I'd like to invite you to The New York Public Library, 112 East 96th Street, in Manhattan, on Saturday, November 14th from 2-3:30PM. I will be appearing for a very "special" and exciting speaking and book signing event that is free and open to the public. (Click here for flyer)

If you have already purchased my book or cd (from or my website) and are using them in your daily practice, please e-mail me and let me know your thoughts. My e-mail address is

If you live in the New York City area, I hope to see you on the 14th. If you live elsewhere, please know you are in the deepest part of my heart and I hope to be in your hometown again soon.

My love and blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom

Please join me at these upcoming workshops:

November 15th at On The Mat in Mountaindale Yoga (click here for more information)

November 21st at The New York City Public Library, 96th Street Branch (Please click here for more information

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dear Friends,

Last week I was on the radio in Fairfield, Iowa. You can listen to the interview by going to The show is archived under Archives>Writers Voice. I'll be returning to the studio on Friday, June 5th at 1:30pm. Please mark your calendars and be sure to tune in live.

In June, I'll be traveling to Iowa as I continue on my book tour. I'll be doing a program in Des Moines for the Iowa Chops AHL Hockey Team Front Office Staff and then I'm off to Fairfield where I'll sign books at two stores and give a meditation workshop on Sunday, June 7th at the Mainstay Inn. Fairfield is an amazing city and I encourage you to come and visit. I'll be there during Art Walk...the theme this year is "All Things Italian."

Also, I recently created my first cd called Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation. The response has been incredible and people of all varying degrees of experience have found it useful in taking their personal meditation practice to deeper levels. Earlier this month I played a portion of this cd during a program that I gave at Hendrick Hudson High School and the feedback from the students (boys in 11th & 12 grade) was extraordinary! To order please visit

Finally, it is with humility and excitement that I share with you some very good news. I was recently contacted by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency that my book is a recipient of the 2008 PASS Award (Prevention for a Safer Society.)

This annual PASS Award is national media recognition awards program that honors the media for responsible coverage of the criminal and juvenile justice systems and child welfare.

Once again, thank you again for your love and support. I wish you great happines and joy.

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom