Saturday, August 16, 2008

Typo of the Day

Dear Friends,

I had the good fortune this week of being featured, indirectly, on a blog titled "Typo of the Day." The request came through a librarian at the New York State Library. She found a picture of Dr. Eugene Callender on my website and asked if she could use the photo on her blog highlighting the difference between calendar and callender.

You can visit this blog at:

(Please scroll down to the entry from Monday, Aug. 11th)

If you do not know Dr. Reverend Eugene Callender, please visit his website at It is a pleasure working with this great man.

Have a great weekend!

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers

PS I'll be heading to the West Coast next week for several book signing events and meditation workshops.

If you live near Seattle, Washington or San Diego, CA, we hope that you'll be able to stop by and say hello. Please bring your friends!

For more information, please visit my website:

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