Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Invoking Change


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:

"In order to experience that which never changes, we must invoke change."

Dear Friends,

Is this simply an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms? Or, is there something in this teaching that we are being asked to look at more deeply? At first glance, we may think we understand it, and then carry that understanding out into our lives with great conviction.

But later, after more contemplation, we realize that what appeared at first to be a contradiction was in fact a profound Truth?

We all search for that ultimate experience of fulfillment, satisfaction and contentment. Don't we all want happiness and love in our lives and don't we want it to be consistent and lasting? When we finally experience a moment of real love in our lives, don't we utter a sigh of gratitude and fervently wish it would never end?

Happiness, love, contentment-forever! What a concept. Yet, underlying our most profound hopes and dreams, we tacitly pray for a state of bliss, joy and love that will never end. Heaven, Nirvana, Shangri-La, immortality-the list goes on.

The question arises: Is it possible to even consider a state that never changes in a world that is forever changing?

The Great masters tell us that not only does this state exist but it is the only state there is, that all else is an illusion created by faulty perception and wrong understanding.

The fascinating part of this whole drama called life is that we will never know the real Truth until we begin to see through it all. And what is the prescription for discovering this Truth???? Change itself!

I have looked back on my life so much after a profound, life altering experience with meditation almost 30 years ago and have come to realize that all my frustration, broken dreams, unhappiness and fear was the result of trying to get something grounded and lasting in a world that was incapable of giving it to me. Everything I ever did in my life previously was with the intention of finally capturing something or someone that would end my search and finally give me the contentment and love that kept alluding me.

But it wasn't until I came across a passage in one of my Meditation teacher's books, where he simply stated that all frustration and fear is created by trying to find something lasting in world that is transient and forever changing. "While you hold in your hands all of your accomplishments," he said: "your money, your fame and fortune, your children and family, even your body and your very life, they are all dissolving right before your eyes, and in the end the world will betray you."

He then went on to say that there is a part of us that knows no fear, that is never lonely or afraid, that is eternally happy and full of love and never changes-this is your True Self and all that is real. "Why would we ever want to seek this great state," he said, "if we felt content and happy as we were?" Enter the magic ingredient-Change!

It is now my understanding that the universe is totally benevolent, compassionate and filled only with love, for I have come to realize that it is out of this futility, this continuous frustration of trying to find something lasting in a world that is incapable of giving it to me, that a longing deep inside me was created. I became a seeker of peace, real peace. A seeker of contentment, real contentment. A seeker of Freedom, real Freedom.

In the end, it is an invocation to change the way we have always lived our lives, carefully and very beautifully orchestrated by this incredible universe of ours that ultimately puts an end to our suffering and fear and reveals to us the only Truth there is: We are all already free. We are all eternal beings, longing to experience that truth for ourselves. There never was anything else.

Meditation is the key to unlocking that experience. Meditate, Great Ones.

Love and blessings,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nyack Workshop

Please join us for an extraordinary full-day meditation workshop with Alan Gompers on Saturday, Oct. 25, in Nyack, NY 1-8pm

Meditation, hatha yoga, and more.
Experience the ancient practice of
"contemplation" with interactive small and large group dynamics.

The New Age Center
One South Broadway
Nyack, NY 10960

Call 1-888-558-GOMP (4667) or click here to register online at www.alangompers.com

Experience for yourself the power of meditation:
• The exquisite wonder of a quiet mind.
• The ancient wisdom of contemplation
• Discover your own power
• Remove stress & anxiety from your life
• Connect deeply with yourself and others

Note: As a special bonus feature added to the workshop Edward Agolia -Yoga for Life founder, will be offering an opportunity to experience the amazing HEALTH AND HEALING BENEFITS of the "Energizer Elite Chi Technology" and Integrative Energy Bodywork on the Bio Matt.
This service will be available from NOON to 1PM and during the breaks.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Contemplation: Divine Experience of the Inner Heart


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:

"What are the things you can do to experience the Divine presence in your own heart?"

Dear Friends,

I recently visited a friend who shared a very inspiring and beautiful story with me. It involved a time in his young life when he stood at a crossroad, searching his heart for the guidance that would ultimately lead him to fulfilling his destiny.

One of his choices seemed obvious and easy. His life would be all laid out for him, and it promised great fame, success, recognition and total security. He received constant pressure from his greatest teacher, his family and dear friends, to pursue this path. To make his decision even more confusing, it was a vocation that he embraced with all his heart, one that had brought him an inordinate amount of success in the past, as well as a great sense of fulfillment deep within.

But the other choice was equally compelling. He felt torn inside, completely unable to get clarity. The first choice would be easy, he thought. He had everyone behind him and it was something he had already done with great success. The other choice was much different. It was an unknown and there were no guarantees. It was shrouded in uncertainty.

What he decided to do was put his life on hold for a few weeks and go off by himself to contemplate. He set out with his back pack and went climbing in the nearby mountains. When he found an appropriate campsite, he set up his tent and made an intention to meditate until he received an answer from within. He let go of any expectations with regard to time.

Days went by, yet nothing came to him. He continued to meditate. On the third day, he found himself sitting on a big, flat rock, immersed in dazzling sunlight. In that moment, he glanced down and noticed that there were some tiny yellow flowers growing right out of a little crevice in the rock. Instantly, his attention was drawn to this almost surreal vision.

As he sat looking at the flowers, a gentle breeze began to pass over him, and as it did, he noticed that the little flowers began to sway in rhythm with the breeze--bending, yielding, without resisting, and remaining unharmed. Suddenly, in that moment, it all became clear; he knew the answer. It came spontaneously and with complete certainty.

As I drove home that day, I reflected on the story he had shared with me and was reminded of a similar experience I had in a maximum security prison, while meditating for the first time in my life out in the yard. When I first opened my eyes, I sat staring at the wall surrounding the prison compound: cold, stark and unyielding. Yet, from a crack a few feet long, toward the bottom of the wall, a few blades of green grass had somehow managed to take root and break through the seeming impenetrable concrete façade.

As I sat there mesmerized by this apparent dichotomy, I became immediately aware that this scene was a perfect metaphor for Shaktipat, spiritual awakening. I realized that the Divine nectar within me, like the seemingly fragile and delicate blades of grass, had been endowed with enormous power and strength, a strength and power that went far beyond my logical mind, enabling it to crack the hardened, unyielding wall enclosing my heart, then breaking through, revealing the beauty, power and love it contained, transforming my whole life.

Contemplation: Beyond all the distractions, turbulence and difficulties we face in the world, there is an eternal essence, a Divine experience of Freedom and Love that cannot be held back or contained by anything in this physical universe.

What are the obstacles in your life that prevent you from experiencing this Divine presence that is always there? How can you prioritize your life in a way that will enable you to move beyond these obstacles and live in this incredible state of Freedom and joy forever?

Please contemplate this deeply, keeping a journal of your experiences.

We have all been given so much.

Love and blessings,


Friday, September 12, 2008

Serving Those Who Serve (STWS)

Dear Friends,

Yesterday marked the seventh anniversary of 9/11. I was two blocks from the ground zero, meeting with my editor that day. We watched in shock as people held hands and jumped from the twin towers. Within minutes, both buildings were reduced to ashes. (To view a news release on my experience posted on NewsReleaseWire, please click here.)

In response to this event, my dear friend Jose Mestre was one of four people who founded Serving Those Who Serve (STWS), a nonprofit organization that provides holistic Ayurvedic herbal formulas free of charge to the rescue and recovery workers whose health was compromised by exposure to toxins present at Ground Zero on Sept. 11th and it's aftermath.

Many workers are still experiencing respiratory problems, as well as memory loss, fatigue and depression because of exposure to metal toxicity at Ground Zero. For many of them, the consequences of their selfless service has affected their health, families, lifestyle and future.

I would like to extend my support to Jose and his wonderful organization by offering 20% of every book ordered from my website through Sept. 30th. To support STWS, please visit my website at www.alangompers.com. When placing your order, please include STWS in the box that says "Inscription" (optional)

This donation includes all regular priced books ($24.95) and all special edition books ($99 and $139.) If you purchase the $139 version, 20% plus the additional $40 will go to Serving Those Who Serve (STWS).

This is the perfect time to order books for yourself, for others, and for upcoming holiday gifts. Consider ordering extra copies to be donated to inmates currently in prison.

Please help me help those who continue to serve those who served through this wonderful organization Serving Those Who Served (STWS).

For more information, please call my office at 1-888-558-4667 or visit www.stws.org.

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers

Thursday, September 4, 2008

OOPS! Ann Arbor Correction

Dear Friends,

OOPS! Please note that we sent out the wrong time for the book signing event on Saturday at Susan Morales' house. Please note the correct time is 3:30pm! Please let us know if you have any additional questions, 1-888-558-GOMP.

-Alan Gompers


Saturday, Sept. 6th, 3:30pm, Book Signing Event
Hostess: Susan Morales (Ann Arbor, MI)

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 1pm, Book Signing Event
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore (114 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104)
visit www.crazywisdom.net

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 6-9pm Meditation Workshop, $49 per person
Elmo's Hideaway (220 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104)

Ann Arbor & Kansas City

Dear Friends,

A huge thank you to our wonderful hosts in Seattle (The Harschfeld Family) and in San Diego (Reva Bernstein & Michelle Sharkey.) Also, thank you to 3rd Place Books & Unity of Kent for their hospitality. We sold a ton of books and met some wonderful folks at our meditation workshops!

Just a quick reminder that I'll be heading to Ann Arbor, Michigan this weekend and then on to Kansas City.


Saturday, Sept. 6th, 6pm, Book Signing Event
Hostess: Susan Morales (Ann Arbor, MI)
Click here for more info.

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 1pm, Book Signing Event
Crazy Wisdom Bookstore (114 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104)
Click here to view flyer or visit www.crazywisdom.net

Sunday, Sept. 7th, 6-9pm Meditation Workshop, $49 per person
Elmo's Hideaway (220 S. Main, Ann Arbor, MI 48104)
Click here to view flyer. Click here to register.


Friday, Sept. 12th, 7pm Book Signing Event
Hostess: Tonya Whitman (8117 Parkview Drive, Parkville, MO)
(816) 769-2400 Click here for more info.

Monday, Sept. 15, 6-9pm Meditation Workshop, Cost: $49 pp
Hostess: Tonya Whitman (117 Parkview Drive, Parkville, MO)
(816) 769-2400 Click here for more info. Click here to register.


Please visit my website and listen to my recent radio interview with Darryl Neher on AM 1370 WGCL in Bloomington, IN. www.alangompers.com

Also, the book has received some wonderful reviews lately. We've posted them on my website at www.alangompers.com.

The Iowa Source recently wrote "If you were to read only one spiritual memoir this year, this is the one."

If you have read the book and would like to write a review for amazon.com or borders.com, please visit those websites and leave your comments. We could especially use some reviews on Borders.com.

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reminder: Seattle & San Diego

Dear Friends,

Hi! Just a quick reminder that I'll be signing books tonight at Third Place Books in Bothell, WA (click here for more info)

Also, I was interviewed today on the Afternoon Edition with Darryl Neher on AM 1370 WGCL in Bloomington, IN. You can listen to the interview online TOMORROW at www.wgclradio.com and www.alangompers.com

On Sunday, I'll be the guest speaker at Unity of Kent Church at 10am. From noon-2pm I'll offer a free meditation workshop. Please click here for more information.

On Monday, he'll head to San Diego. We hope that if you live in, or have friends or family in either of these cities, you'll stop by and say hello. (See below for San Diego schedule)

As always, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us about your experience of Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom.

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers


(August 25-31st)

Monday, August 25th, 2:30pm-5:30pm
Meditation Workshop, $49 per person
Hostess: Reva Bernstein
North County (San Diego)
E-mail info@alangompers.com for more info

Friday, August 29, 7-9pm
Book Signing Event, Free
Sponsored by: The Red Lotus Society
At The Historic Ideal Hotel
542 3rd Ave., Downtown San Diego

Saturday, Aug. 30, 1-4pm
Meditation Workshop, $49 per person
Sponsored by: The Red Lotus Society
At The Historic Ideal Hotel
542 3rd Ave., Downtown San Diego

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Upcoming Schedule

Typo of the Day

Dear Friends,

I had the good fortune this week of being featured, indirectly, on a blog titled "Typo of the Day." The request came through a librarian at the New York State Library. She found a picture of Dr. Eugene Callender on my website and asked if she could use the photo on her blog highlighting the difference between calendar and callender.

You can visit this blog at:

(Please scroll down to the entry from Monday, Aug. 11th)

If you do not know Dr. Reverend Eugene Callender, please visit his website at www.dreugenecallender.com It is a pleasure working with this great man.

Have a great weekend!

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers

PS I'll be heading to the West Coast next week for several book signing events and meditation workshops.

If you live near Seattle, Washington or San Diego, CA, we hope that you'll be able to stop by and say hello. Please bring your friends!

For more information, please visit my website: www.alangompers.com

Friday, July 11, 2008

What's New with Alan

Please invite your friends to come and meet Alan at the following book signing event:

July 12, 2008, 2pm
Barnes & Noble, Queens Bayside
23-80 Bell Blvd.
Bayside, NY 11361

Please note the following additions to Alan's calendar:

August 2008
Portland, Oregon
Seattle, WA

August 20, 2008
Third Place Books
17171 Bothell Way NE
Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
Tel: 206-366-3333

September 2008
Ann Arbor, MI

October 11th
Yoga for Life Event
near South Fallsburg, NY

More Details to Follow.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Living from the Heart"

Dear Friends,

A very dear friend of mine, someone that I have known for many years, was extremely depressed and unhappy over his inability to have a meaningful relationship with his daughter. Her distrust and anger for him was enormous and no matter what he did their relationship continued to grow further apart.

One day, out of sheer frustration, he called me and began rambling on about how unreasonable and insensitive his daughter was. He went on this way for quite some time until I was able to get his attention and ask him a question.

"You have been sharing with me that your daughter has caused you much frustration and disappointment," I said. "You have told me that she is unreasonable and insensitive, that she continues to have a negative attitude toward you, no matter what you say or do. You have told me how she is hurting you, how selfish she is and how unloved she makes you feel, and that she refuses to change.

My question to you is this, and please don't answer too quickly-I would encourage you to take a real good look at it---Is there something that you might have contributed to this situation? Are the things that you are asking of your daughter, the changes you are asking her to make, are they meant to benefit you or her? Are they truly a giving to her or subtly meant to help make YOU feel better? In essence, are they a taking in disguise?

A few days later he called me back and said he had thought deeply about what I had said and came to realize that he really did want his daughter to change so that he would feel better. He saw that he really loved his daughter but he wasn't sure how to go about it-a very honest and beautiful realization, one that must have taken great courage on his part.

It was then that I said-"The best thing you can do for your daughter is to love yourself, to come, unconditionally, from your heart, without motive or expectation-ultimately, to offer your love, not to notice her faults and limitations. What she wants is your love, not to be fixed or changed. Until you have touched your own heart, the source of your love, what you are giving her are your expectations, judgments and desires, and all of these are products of the mind and emotions and will only further create separation and anger.

I suggested that he experiment with his relationship and try something different. Instead of "finding her out," seeing in her what he thought was insensitive and unloving, see only her heart and the love he had for her. "No matter what she does or says," I said, "continue to stay close to your heart and offer back only loving thoughts and compassionate understanding. It may be a bit tricky at first but stay with it, give it some time and see what happens. After all, what you have been doing up until now hasn't worked. What have to got to lose?"

Over the next few months the transformation in their relationship was amazing. The more he just simply offered his unconditional love, slowly her anger was replaced with a tentative curiosity. After a while she began to lighten up and share some of her insecurities and fears with him. He practiced listening and patience-which are forms of love-and saw that he had never really listened or acknowledged her before. Now he was allowing his heart to guide him and he realized that he no longer had to be "The Doer," the one who was always trying to figure things out and analyze what to do.

Now their relationship is bringing him the satisfaction and joy that he had longed for so desperately. The interesting thing is that the minute he changed, so did she. Even more amazing, he has now opened his new understanding even further, and has taken this same practice and applied it to everyone and everything. The result is that everyday he is experiencing his life with new meaning and joy. He literally sings with gratitude.

A great being once said, "When we give from our heart, we give its contents, which is love. When we give this love to someone, this love has to pass through us first, before it gets to another. So giving love and receiving love is the same event. So the more we love ourselves, the more we can offer that love back out again. Whether another willingly accepts this love consciously or not, it will always have its effects."

Please tell me, aside from giving our love to ourselves and the world, what more can we do?

"The best thing I can do for you is to love me." I can't give you what I don't have.

Love and blessings,


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 11th Radio Show (Ocean City, MD)

Just a reminder...

Please tune in at 8:30am EST to hear Alan Gompers in Ocean City, MD

Listen to Alan and Watch


online at www.irieradio.com

The Show is "Bulldog & the Rude Awakening"

This show was recently named best morning show & rock station by Delaware Today Magazine.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What's New with Alan Gompers

Dear Friends,

The past month has been very exciting and productive. Since the wonderful book signing event in New York, I have been travelling to different cities including Memphis, Philadelphia and Kansas City, doing book signings, workshops, VIP dinners and lots of radio interviews.

(Note: If you missed my May 20th radio interview with Bruce Steinbrock on WIBW or my interview with Ron Ross on WJBC, you can listen to them both on my website by clicking here.)

We have been welcomed with great enthusiasm and warmth wherever we have gone and Maximum Security: True Meaning of Freedom has received nothing less than inspired praise from everyone we have met.

It has been a wonderful blessing to have strangers come up to us and talk about the characters and events in the book that so deeply impacted their lives. It lets our Maximum Security team know that all the effort and love that went into writing and publishing the book is now having its effects on uplifting those that are reading it.

From here, we will be continuing the book signing tour through the midwest and west coast.
If you would like to host Alan in your home, please contact Lorena at 901-483-5968.

I want to offer my gratitude to everyone that has been a part of planning the launch of this book. From organizing book signings in their hometowns, to contacting bookstores and radio stations, to buying books for us to donate to prisoners,
it has been an enormous gift to have received your support. It would be virtually impossible for me to do what I am doing without YOU.

A special thank you to the Rostig and Nitzel families who recently held book signing events & meditation workshops in their home. This is such a special and intimate way to connect with people who have been touched by Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom and to introduce many new people to the power of meditation.

A contemplation will be forthcoming next week. We have all been given so much, and as my teacher once said, "how many of us, when we wake up in the morning, are grateful for our breath?"

Love and blessings,


Monday, May 19, 2008

Alan Gompers on the Radio: May 20th (WIBW)

Listen to Alan Gompers Live on the Radio Tuesday, May 20th at 2:30pm CST (3:30pm EST)
online at www.am580wibw.com

or check out Alan's website on Wednesday

WIBW is the 11th largest signal in the US and is owned by Morris Broadcasting Company. It reaches all of Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa, & Oklahoma.

Bruce Steinbrock will interview Alan Gompers,
author "Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom"
on Tuesday, May 20th, at 2:30pm CST
The Sports Sanity Show is sponsored by Peerless Tyre Company.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Alan on the Radio: May 16th (Topeka, KS)

Catch Alan Gomper's live, in-studio, radio interview with host Jim Cates of KMAJ 1440 am in Topeka, KS on Friday, May 16th. The show will air at 10:00 am CST, on radio station KMAJ. You can listen to the broadcast live by going to www.kmaj1440.com.

Radio Show: May 16th (Vero Beach, FL)

This just in.....Alan will be on the air tomorrow
Friday, May 16th 8:00am EST
with Rhett Palmer of The Florida Show

1370 am Clear Channel

Rhett Butler is the Award Winning Host of The Florida Show
Broadcasting to one of the Top 5% Book Buying Zip Codes!
Mornings 6-10am EST (repeat 3pm)
Cell: 772.473.7777 ~ Studio: 772.564.0400
PO Box 3342 Vero Beach, FL 32964

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Alan Gompers to Visit Kansas City, MO

stand up and cheer
Alan Gompers will be in Parkville, MO May 16-19th. If you live near Kansas City and would like to meet Alan at one of the many events sponsored by Stand Up and Cheer, please contact Mr. Steve Nitzel at 816-694-6660 or e-mail him at snitzel@standupandcheer.com

Books can be purchased on-site or ordered from your local bookstore, amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, or Borders.com

To order a personally signed copy, please visit www.alangompers.com

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Alan Gompers in Memphis, TN

Beale St.Alan Gompers will be in Germantown, TN May 1-6th. If you would like to attend one of his private book signing events or register for his Introduction to Meditation Workshops, please contact Lorena Rostig at 901-309-6557 or lkrostig@earthlink.net. Everyone is welcome.

Books provided by Barnes & Noble (Avenue at Carriage Crossing, Collierville, TN)

A donation from each book sale will benefit Daybreak Treatment Center of Germantown, TN. Daybreak Treatment Center provides services for children, ages 5 to 12, and adolescents, ages 13 to 18, who are experiencing difficulty academically, socially, and/or within the family. Please visit www.daybreaktreatment.com for more information.

Book-signing Events, Free
Thursday May 1 & Saturday May 3rd, 7pm
At Lorena Rostig's house (1910 Chelsea Park Dr, Germantown, TN 38139)
Meet Alan as he shares his personal story of finding freedom in a maximum security prison.

Intro to Meditation Workshops, $49 per person
Sunday, May 4th 3-6pm and Tuesday, May 6th, 6-9pm
At Lorena Rostig's house (1910 Chelsea Park Dr, Germantown, TN 38139)
Learn how to relieve stress, overcome fear, problem-solve and promote health & well-being through meditation.

Any questions, please contact Lorena or Markus Rostig at 901-309-6557.

Visit Alan's website at www.alangompers.com

Monday, April 14, 2008

Invitation from Denny Waxman

Alan Gompers, author "Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom" has been invited to Philadelphia by Denny Waxman to speak at The Strengthening Health Institute on April 28, 2008 at 6:30pm (see details below.)

Denny Waxman is an internationally recognized teacher, counselor, and writer on health, natural healing and macrobiotics. For the past thirty years, Denny has used his expert knowledge in rational ways of eating and the healing power of foods to help others improve their health through diet and lifestyle modifications.

The Strengthening Health Institute (SHI) was founded in 1997 to teach others how to create lasting health and how to discover and live fully their life's dream. In 2002, SHI was incorporated as a not-for-profit school with a mission to (1) Empower people to make their own wise choices for life and health, (2) Create the model for macrobiotic education for the present and future and to move macrobiotics into the mainstream, (3) Demystify and simplify macrobiotics to allow access to a much larger number of people.

Please join SHI on Monday, April 28, 2008 at 6:30 pm. for their April Dinner Lecture featuring Alan Gompers, author of Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom.

Dinner begins at 6:30, followed by lecture at
8 pm. The cost is $30 per person if you register before April 14th and $35 per person when registering after April 14th. Please call (215) 238-9212 to register.

For more information, please visit

For more information about Alan and his book, please visit www.alangompers.com

Love & Blessings,

The Friends of Alan Gompers

Sunday, April 6, 2008


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:

"'Falling in love' is literally dropping from the mind into the heart."

Dear Friends,

What a beautiful way to look at this most amazing experience. Ultimately, is there anything in this life that we crave more than being touched and embraced by the magic and power of "True" love? I imagine that we could come up with a list of things that we might at times feel rival this state, but in the end the timeless, unbroken ecstasy that only unconditional love can sustain, will transcend all other possibilities.

We spend so much of our lives trying to find the "right" person, the perfect match, our "soul mate," our heart's desire, yet for most of us it continues to elude us, baffle us, frustrate us and turn our lives upside down.

I am reminded of a story about two lovers that had been separated for many years. Finally, after searching desperately for each other they connected, and with great anticipation and excitement, they planned a most romantic rendezvous.

On the day they finally came together, their eyes met at a distance. They moved slowly toward each other at first and then, with their heart's racing almost out of control, began running as fast as they could until they were in each other's arms, embracing ecstatically.

At first glance, it was an absolutely perfect expression of their love for each other. And on one level, it was. But a closer look reveals a fascinating insight. In that incredible moment, neither one was looking at the other. Their eyes were closed, tightly shut.

Their hearts were completely full. The love they were experiencing in that moment was amazingly rich and powerful, yet even the sight of the other became a colossal distraction. They had to completely evade their own senses and move beyond the mind in order to fully experience the love emanating from deep within each of them.

The love that we are looking for can never be found in an "other." We have been told this again and again by the great Masters:

"The best thing I can do for you is to love me."
"The Kingdom of God is within you."
"To thine own Self be true."
"The greatest love of all I found within myself."

Love can only be found in the recesses of our own heart. An other person, or even a powerful event or circumstance can trigger that love, support our search, even lead us right to the door, but the ultimate experience of love can only be claimed by going within. In fact, as the story shows so clearly, we even have to move beyond even the thought of an other to truly experience unconditional love--the only love that exists.

In the end, as the mind gets quiet, we begin to fall. When the mind is totally still, we fall into the heart--we "fall in love."

Love and Blessings,


Sunday, March 9, 2008


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:


Dear Friends,

How can I ever hope to uplift another when I, myself, am in a state of suffering? More importantly, what can I ever expect to give to someone I love when I, myself, am in a state filled with unhappiness or anger?

Do I justify my inability to offer compassion and love by saying things like: "I can't control what I feel; I can't just turn love on and off anytime I wish; How do you expect me to be nice to someone who is so mean and selfish?"

One of the things that I always try to remember on my journey through life is that I can very conveniently and very easily throw up my hands and give in to a victim mentality. That way, I am off the hook, I can put the responsibility somewhere else, and I can put the blame on someone else.

For many years I blamed my conviction and the subsequent 15-life sentence I received on the attorney who represented me, along with the police informant whom I believed with all my heart set me up. I was convinced that it was because of them that I was in prison. I was a victim and they were clearly to blame for what happened to me.

One day I realized, during a meditation session, that I was the one dealing drugs; I was a drug dealer, and I was the one who set myself up. The attorney and the informant weren't to blame for what happened to me-I was. I saw clearly, in that understanding, that everything that happens to me in this life is truly the result of my own past actions. More importantly, I realized how much pain and suffering I had endured by carrying around the anger and hatred I felt inside for the attorney and the informant by blaming them. Those feelings were eating me up alive inside and I didn't even know it.

It was then that I knew that I had to begin taking responsibility for my own life and my own actions, otherwise I would continue to poison my own state, as well as offer that same poison to the world.

I also understood that although a victim mentality may temporarily change the way others react to me, it would never help my inner experience. My moment to moment experience was always determined by my inner state, not what I said or did in the world.

The state I give to my loved ones, as well as the world around me, is the state I give to myself.

If I claim to be a victim, without realizing that I have the ability to change my own state, I am ultimately living in a prison of my own making, trapped by my own emotions. I am in a state of unconscious ignorance and I suffer because of my wrong understanding.

The truth is that we are all Divine beings, filled with Wisdom and Power. Meditation will validate this for us through our own inner experience.


Love and Blessings,


Monday, February 18, 2008


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:

"You can be my horse if you never win a race."

Dear Friends,

I had a dear friend of mine, some years ago, that I admired very much. Although he had an unpredictable and quirky nature, he nevertheless elicited a level of wisdom and compassion that never failed to uplift me and give new meaning to my life.

He seemed to always know how to reach people, especially us kids, since he was our basketball coach and teacher. He had the amazing ability to invariably get us out of our insecurities, depressions and feelings of unworthiness. Sometimes it was just a word, a look, the wink of an eye, or putting his arm over your shoulder at just the precise moment you needed that reassurance.

It wasn't so much what he did, as much as when he did it and how he did it. He always seemed so tuned into what was going on inside us and had that special gift of getting us to open up, even if we tried so hard to hide it. The truth was we wanted desperately for someone to recognize that we were hurting but our pride and our feelings of shame always got in the way.

Later on in my life, I began to realize, at a very deep level, that spirituality was not limited to the scriptures, to books or even liberated Masters, that we could receive blessings from the most mundane and subtle situations. In fact, I began to see that it wasn't until we could see the Divine presence in everything, from these so-called "non-spiritual" circumstances, to the highest levels of wisdom, that we could ever attain the greatest prize of all--Enlightenment, total Freedom.

One day, I remember being in the team's huddle at a high school basketball game when we were losing badly. One of the players, a really sweet kid, was having a horrible day on the court and you could see clearly that it was affecting him, as well as the team, profoundly. As we formed a circle around the coach, I could see that the kid was on the verge of tears. He was obviously blaming himself for the team's demise and it was tearing him apart inside.

Under most circumstances, the move that most coaches would make in that kind of situation would be to take the young man out and let him sit for a while so that he could regain his composure. But instead, coach sat there very quietly until the eyes of the entire team were on him, including the young man, and simply said to him--"You can be my horse if you never win a race." The coach then stood, nodded to everyone, then sat down as the team ran back onto the court. It was thrilling.

In that moment, I experienced what my meditation teacher has always referred to as "True Faith and Trust." It was obvious to all of us there that day that the coach was not acting from a textbook or a rigid set of coaching rules. Not at all. He was totally connected to his heart, and from that place he was able to touch the hearts of every one of us there that day, and especially that young man.

Love and Blessings,


PS I am learning how to "blog" and hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to comment on this contemplation. (Click here to read my blog) You may leave your comments at the end of each entry. Note: You may need to sign up for a gmail user ID. If you have any questions, please call Lorena or April at 901-483-5968 or click here to e-mail her. They will help you get started.

Monday, January 28, 2008

March 13, 2008

On March 13, 1980, Alan Gompers was sentenced to serve 15-years to life in a maximum security prison for selling drugs.

On March 13, 1986, Alan was released from prison after being granted Clemency from the Governor of New York.

On March 13, 2008 we'll celebrate the 22nd anniversary of his release with a pre-launch of his long-awaited memoir

"Maximum Security:
The True Meaning of Freedom
(Burns Park Publishers, May 2008)

For more information, please visit:

If you have any questions, please call
Sarika Gore at 917-334-1832
Or Lorena Rostig at 901-485-5968

or click here
to e-mail
for more information

Sunday, January 27, 2008


This week during your daily meditation, contemplate the following:

"When you really make an intention, do not take it lightly. Once you focus all of your being on your intention and hold that intention firmly in your consciousness, remembering it continuously, the universe, God's power within you WILL manifest it for you."

Dear Friends,

What an amazing teaching. What an extraordinary possibility to contemplate. Can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, what this would mean if it were true. Well, dear ones, the great beings, the sages and Masters, down through the millennia, have all told us that it is true. We actually hold all the power of the universe deep within our own being--everyone does.

My meditation teacher always said that "it's the truth whether you believe it or not." What I have come to understand and value so greatly in my life now is my growing ability to recognize more and more the difference between a belief arising out of my mind and real knowledge arising out of an intention that was invoked from my heart.

For me, a belief is a hope, which is an idea, ultimately a thought originating in my mind. I can believe something is true and be very convincing to myself and other people about it but until it becomes bathed in "real knowledge" I won't really "know" it to be true, no matter how strong my belief is. A belief can help lead me to real knowledge but in order to enter that realm I must let go of my beliefs and enter the "experience waiting for me on the other side."

I may believe totally in the power of love, and teach all about its virtues and benefits. I can give very concrete examples of how it has changed the course of history. I can point to the faces of people who live in a state of love and have testified to the incredible ecstasy they feel that transformed their lives. Yet, if I never experienced love for myself, my knowledge would always be incomplete, for only through a direct inner experience can I gain true knowledge; Inner experience and true knowledge are synonyms.

All my life I had been searching for happiness but my experience was always filled with great sadness and despair. Yet, at the deepest level of my being, I truly believed that happiness did exist and the only reason I was able to continue on was because of this belief, even though my moment to moment existence was miserable. So having a belief does serve an important purpose after all.

But one day, sitting in the prison yard of a maximum security prison, scared out of my mind, I fell into meditation, not having any idea why that had happened or even knowing how to do it. When I came out of meditation about 20 minutes later, I felt happier and more alive than I had ever known was possible. For the first time in my life I actually experienced the happiness and joy that had eluded me for so long, and I finally "KNEW" what real happiness was. That EXPERIENCE totally changed my life, a transformation that has continued to grow within me to this very day, some 28 years later.

Everyday, when I get up in the morning, I thank my meditation Master and the universe for this great gift and make an INTENTION to hold that experience of love in my consciousness all throughout the day. It is because of that intention that my life is filled with great abundance and contentment. I "Know" that the universe has responded to me because my life is a beautiful reflection of my intention, and I will be forever grateful.

Love and Blessings,


PS I am learning how to "blog" and hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to comment on this contemplation. (Click here to read my blog) You may leave your comments at the end of each entry. Note: You may need to sign up for a gmail user ID. If you have any questions, please call Lorena or April at 901-483-5968 or click here to e-mail her. They will help you get started.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Final Liberation 12/31/07

How would your current life and lifestyle be affected if you made the pursuit of Final Liberation your absolute intention from this moment on?

The great spiritual Masters tell us, again and again, that to reach the ultimate goal of complete Freedom and Enlightenment, we must focus our EVERY moment on The Inner Self, on God. My greatest challenge is to remember that this is what I want most in my life.

Paradoxically, the more challenging my life is, the stronger my intention is to focus on God. In fact, the more intense my life is, the more I am inspired to make my sadhana, my spiritual practices, my priority. Conversely, when my life is light and easy, my tendency is to relax and allow my focus on the Self to slowly dissolve into the turbulence of my mind.

It is all very subtle at first. I continue to meditate, of course. I never stop doing that. I continue to offer my love, to come from my heart. But my interest slowly, imperceptibly, moves toward outer things: politics, movies, TV, sports, etc. Now these are not bad things, necessarily. But when I do this, I tend to forget the Self. I forget the great Truth that everything is God, that nothing is other than God. As I pursue all these worldly things, I find myself ultimately getting lost in them. My mind takes me on a trip until something comes along to wake me up. The more lax I become, the more my mind leads me all over the place, and the more I forget the inner experience.

But I have received Shaktipat, the incredible spiritual awakening. Slowly, I begin to notice the little things that are breaking down all around me. I soon see that I am no longer experiencing the wonder and beauty of my own life. If I don't heed these warning signals, invariably the negativity in my life heats up even more. I get so uncomfortable! Finally, I see it. I have gotten lost. I am no longer in my heart. I have drifted into a dull, unconscious state of mind. But it is those very realizations that bring me back to my intention to be free.

More and more, I am absolutely certain that to be free of the pain and fear of this life, I need to constantly remember the Self and how wondrous it is to live from my heart and the love that eternally resides there.

When I look back, after 28 years of commitment to meditation and my other spiritual practices, I see clearly that my life is most affected by my inner awareness of gratitude. Remembering to be grateful for all I have been given always brings me back into alignment with The Shakti, with Grace. But most of all, when I am happy and content, my gratitude arises on its own.

I would like to encourage everyone to take the time this week to contemplate, then write down, the ways your life might change or be affected by making Final Liberation-Total Freedom- your absolute intention from this moment on.

Happy New Year, dear ones.

Love and Blessings,
