Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tiger Woods

On February 19th at a press conference that captured the world’s attention, Tiger Woods took responsibility for his actions. I listened to his words very carefully because I sensed the impact they would have on millions of people all over the world that were trying to make sense of it all.

What could possibly have caused a man that had risen to such unbelievable heights of fame and fortune, and achieved levels of success that could almost be described as perfection, fall from “grace” so instantaneously and so resoundingly?

This was a man that exuded perfection, an incredibly gifted athlete that continuously astounded the world with his focus and presence; he seemed to have an aura of invincibility. But for me, the energy and power of this man went far deeper than his athletic talent and skill on a golf course, for it spoke to his focus, his ability to be totally present under the most intense and pressurized situations. Tiger Woods had risen to the level of champion, time after time after time, delivering relentlessly, without being phased by anything or anyone around him, no matter what was at stake, like no one in history before him.

At one point, as he talked about what had happened to him, his words touched on something that I sensed was profoundly important, far more important than I felt most people were able to grasp or understand. He spoke of his upbringing as a Buddhist, his religion, his spiritual path, whose teachings had laid the foundation for his life growing up and all that he was to become as a man. He said that Buddhism had always taught him that when you have desire for things outside of your self, you lose your Self discipline and everything begins to fall apart. Everything that is important in life is within us and he said that he had forgotten the teachings that had served him so well. The Dali Lama, after hearing what Tiger had said, validated his words through the media as a fundamental teaching of the Buddhist tradition.

Tiger then went on to say that he was making an intention to go back to his spiritual roots, back to the support of his Buddhist teachings, to reclaim the discipline, presence and dignity he had always experienced that he had drifted away from. Yes, what he did hurt a lot of people, especially his wife, his children and family, along with millions of shocked and angry admirers? But this is a karmic responsibility that he alone must face and atone for; yet, beyond that, there was this wonderful gift that we were all given by what he said, no matter whether we even believed his words or not. And that was the gift of the immortal wisdom and teachings of the great Masters, passed down to us from every spiritual tradition since time immemorial and was echoed in Tiger’s words: “What you are really searching for can only be found within yourself.” “Desire is suffering.” “To thine own Self be true.” “The kingdom of God is within you.” “The greatest love of all I found within my Self.”

Tiger Woods presented to the world his understanding of what had happened to him, what he felt, how it impacted him and his family and what he saw as his next steps in life moving forward. But that was Tiger. What about you and me? Did we really “hear” what he said or were we, in that moment, without realizing it, just like Tiger, lost in the outer trappings of our own desires: to be entertained, to pass judgment, to project our own inner dissatisfactions onto some outer object?

My prayer is for the whole world to embrace the presence of humility, compassion and gratitude deep within ourselves, for all that we have been given, and offer that state back out to the world, letting go of all judgment, anger and fear.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Living Temple

Dear Friends,

The excitement in LA continues!

This Friday I'll be appearing at The Living Temple in Huntington Beach, CA, presenting a special program

"Maximum Security: The 10 Keys to Personal Freedom"

If you don't live in LA, you'll be able to view the event online via www.thelivingtemple.com Click on Video Broadcast for online streaming video and archived video options.

January 15, 2010

Registration: 6:30pm

Program: 7-9pm

Fee: $10

The Living Temple

7561 Center Ave., #40 
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Call 714-891-5117 
Click here for flyer

If you live in the Huntington Beach area, I hope to see you there!

If you watch the streaming video, please e-mail me and share with me your experience of the program.

Blessings to all of you!

Alan Gompers

Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom


Alan Gompers is a Well-Being Coach who helps his clients overcome stress, fear, and despair. He works with business owners, doctors, lawyers, athletes, students, and parents who are seeking lifelong strategies to find more peace, more happiness and greater health. The results are improved relationships, superior work performance and overall well-being. He is the author of the book Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom and the CD Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation. For more information, please visit www.alangompers.com or call Marlene at 901-483-5968.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Mens Dugout & Mystic Journey

Dear Friends,

I'm excited to be in LA!

I hope you'll tune in over the internet to hear my radio interview on Sunday, January 10th at 11am PST (1pm EST). I'll be interviewed by Dr. Tara Grace Perry of the Mens Dugout AM 830 live from Angel Stadium in Anaheim, CA.To listen to the show live on Sunday, click on the button on the homepage that looks like this

Later that night, I'll be at Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice. (Click here for more info) If you live near LA, I hope to see you there.

Blessings to all of you!

Alan Gompers

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Will I See You in LA?

Dear Friends,

I hope you and your family had a lovely holiday season. I spent time with my brother and sister-in-law in Philadelphia and my beautiful grandchildren in New Jersey. (Twins, Nina and Ava and baby Joseph.)

I'm heading out to LA tomorrow for nearly three weeks. If you live in California, I hope you'll come and see me.

My LA schedule is:

Friday, January 8th I'll be speaking at a private boarding school in Ojai, CA.

Sunday, January 10th at 11am PST, I'll be on the radio with Dr. Tara Grace Perry of the Men's Dugout AM 830 (Click here for more deatails.)

Sunday, January 10th at 6pm Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice. Click here for more information.

Friday, January 15th at 7pm I'll be at The Living Temple in Huntington Beach. Please call Robin to register or for more information (714) 891-5117 or you can watch me live on streaming video. Click here for more information.

If you have any media contacts that you'd like to share with my team, we'd appreciate your help in spreading the word that I'm coming to town. (For more information please e-mail Marlene by clicking here.)

Blessings to all of you!

Alan Gompers

Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom


Alan Gompers is a Well-Being Coach who helps his clients overcome stress, fear, and despair. He works with business owners, doctors, lawyers, athletes, students, and parents who are seeking lifelong strategies to find more peace, more happiness and greater health. The results are improved relationships, superior work performance and overall well-being. He is the author of the book Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom and the CD Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation. For more information, please visit www.alangompers.com or call Marlene at 901-483-5968.