Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dear Friends,

Last week I was on the radio in Fairfield, Iowa. You can listen to the interview by going to www.kruufm.com The show is archived under Archives>Writers Voice. I'll be returning to the studio on Friday, June 5th at 1:30pm. Please mark your calendars and be sure to tune in live.

In June, I'll be traveling to Iowa as I continue on my book tour. I'll be doing a program in Des Moines for the Iowa Chops AHL Hockey Team Front Office Staff and then I'm off to Fairfield where I'll sign books at two stores and give a meditation workshop on Sunday, June 7th at the Mainstay Inn. Fairfield is an amazing city and I encourage you to come and visit. I'll be there during Art Walk...the theme this year is "All Things Italian."

Also, I recently created my first cd called Maximum Freedom: A Guide to Meditation. The response has been incredible and people of all varying degrees of experience have found it useful in taking their personal meditation practice to deeper levels. Earlier this month I played a portion of this cd during a program that I gave at Hendrick Hudson High School and the feedback from the students (boys in 11th & 12 grade) was extraordinary! To order please visit www.amazon.com

Finally, it is with humility and excitement that I share with you some very good news. I was recently contacted by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency that my book is a recipient of the 2008 PASS Award (Prevention for a Safer Society.)

This annual PASS Award is national media recognition awards program that honors the media for responsible coverage of the criminal and juvenile justice systems and child welfare.

Once again, thank you again for your love and support. I wish you great happines and joy.

Love & Blessings,

Alan Gompers
Author, Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom