Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June 11th Radio Show (Ocean City, MD)

Just a reminder...

Please tune in at 8:30am EST to hear Alan Gompers in Ocean City, MD

Listen to Alan and Watch


online at www.irieradio.com

The Show is "Bulldog & the Rude Awakening"

This show was recently named best morning show & rock station by Delaware Today Magazine.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

What's New with Alan Gompers

Dear Friends,

The past month has been very exciting and productive. Since the wonderful book signing event in New York, I have been travelling to different cities including Memphis, Philadelphia and Kansas City, doing book signings, workshops, VIP dinners and lots of radio interviews.

(Note: If you missed my May 20th radio interview with Bruce Steinbrock on WIBW or my interview with Ron Ross on WJBC, you can listen to them both on my website by clicking here.)

We have been welcomed with great enthusiasm and warmth wherever we have gone and Maximum Security: True Meaning of Freedom has received nothing less than inspired praise from everyone we have met.

It has been a wonderful blessing to have strangers come up to us and talk about the characters and events in the book that so deeply impacted their lives. It lets our Maximum Security team know that all the effort and love that went into writing and publishing the book is now having its effects on uplifting those that are reading it.

From here, we will be continuing the book signing tour through the midwest and west coast.
If you would like to host Alan in your home, please contact Lorena at 901-483-5968.

I want to offer my gratitude to everyone that has been a part of planning the launch of this book. From organizing book signings in their hometowns, to contacting bookstores and radio stations, to buying books for us to donate to prisoners,
it has been an enormous gift to have received your support. It would be virtually impossible for me to do what I am doing without YOU.

A special thank you to the Rostig and Nitzel families who recently held book signing events & meditation workshops in their home. This is such a special and intimate way to connect with people who have been touched by Maximum Security: The True Meaning of Freedom and to introduce many new people to the power of meditation.

A contemplation will be forthcoming next week. We have all been given so much, and as my teacher once said, "how many of us, when we wake up in the morning, are grateful for our breath?"

Love and blessings,
